Winter time can be a challenging time of the year for homeowners. Harsh weather conditions can make your house cold, especially if your heating system malfunctions. Preparing your heating system for winter should occur long before the colder months arrive. Taking appropriate steps to ensure your heating system works effectively and efficiently can help you save money and stay comfortable during the colder seasons. Here are essential tips to help you get started.

1. Schedule a Maintenance Check With a Certified Technician

Scheduling a maintenance check with a certified technician is one of the best decisions you can make before winter kicks in. This checkup will ensure your heating system is clean, fueled, and working correctly. During the inspection, the technician can also spot and fix potential problems. By taking such preventive measures, you can avoid costly repairs and guarantee your family’s safety.

Reach out to Tyler’s Heating & Cooling, a heating and cooling company in Mishawaka, IN. We have a full range of quality plumbing and HVAC services. If you notice several issues with your plumbing, such as frequent water running, slow-moving drain systems, or low water pressure, our team has you covered.

2. Replace Your Air Filter

Your heating system’s air filters should be replaced frequently, especially during winter. A dirty or clogged filter will make the system work harder and may also release debris that can cause allergies and other health problems. To ensure your heating system remains efficient and functional, replace the filter at least once a month.

3. Check Your Thermostat and Temperature

It’s essential to check your thermostat and temperature to ensure they work correctly before winter. A faulty thermostat or one displaying incorrect temperatures can inflate your heating bill significantly. Furthermore, a malfunctioning thermostat can cause the heater to overheat, increasing fire risk. Therefore, before winter kicks in, take the time to double-check your thermostat and temperature.

4. Identify and Seal Any Air Leaks

Air leaks in your house can make your heating system less efficient, which can cause your energy bills to skyrocket. They also make the distribution of heat uneven and cause hot and cold spots in your home. To ensure your heating system works efficiently, walk around your house and check for any air leaks, especially around doors, windows, and outlets. Use weather-stripping or caulking to fill in any gaps or cracks.

5. Prepare Your Furnace Room

If you have a furnace room, take some time before winter kicks in to check the condition of your furnace and the surrounding area. Ensure that the room is clean, organized, and safe. Store any flammable materials away from the furnace and ensure there’s ample space around it for proper ventilation. If the room is cluttered or congested, it can affect the heat distribution in your home.

6. Check Your Ducts

If you have a ducted heating system, you also need to check the condition of your ducts before winter. Dirty and leaky ducts hinder proper airflow and can affect heat distribution in your home. Use a flashlight to inspect the ducts for any visible defects and observe unusual smells or sounds. If you notice anything unusual, contact a licensed technician to have them checked and repaired.

7. Bleed Your Radiators

If your heating system uses radiators, you must bleed them to ensure they work efficiently before winter. Radiators can trap air, which reduces their functionality and efficiency. To bleed them, turn on the heating system and wait for the radiators to heat up. Then, use a bleed key to turn the valve at the top of the radiator until you hear air escaping. Once water trickles out, close the valve.

8. Ensure Your Chimney and Flue Are Clean and Clear

Before using your fireplace, ensure your chimney and flue are clean and blockage-free. Blocked chimneys or flues can cause harmful gasses in your home, leading to health and fire hazards. Have a licensed chimney sweep check your chimney and flue regularly, especially before winter. Clean them out if necessary.

9. Have an Emergency Supply of Heating Fuel

It’s always wise to have a supply of heating fuel stored up in your home just in case you experience a lengthy power failure. You can store them in tanks or barrels, depending on your needs. If you have gas or oil heating systems, consult your supplier about suitable storage options and recommended amounts.

Winter is beautiful, but it can be brutal if your heating system is not ready for the challenge. By following these tips and preparing your heating system for the freezing months ahead, you can be comfortable and safe while enjoying the beauty of winter. Please act today, and don’t wait until it’s too late.

At Tyler’s Heating & Cooling, we offer HVAC services ranging from heating and air conditioning to indoor air quality, refrigeration, and energy audits. Contact us today we will see how we can help you.

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