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June 13, 2024

Having a boiler and radiant heating in your home offers many advantages compared to having a furnace and forced-air heating. Switching to radiant heating requires a substantial investment since you will need to install a boiler and radiators, baseboard heaters, or underfloor heating coils. However, it is an investment that will definitely pay off over time by improving your home comfort and lowering your heating costs. If you’re unsure whether a boiler is right for your home, here are some of the reasons why it can be such a good choice.

A man is looking at a water heater while holding a clipboard.


Although radiant heating works more slowly than forced-air heating, it is still more effective overall. With forced-air heating, the temperature continually fluctuates and you often have issues with some rooms being too hot and others being too cool. Radiant heating always maintains a more consistently warm temperature as it doesn’t just heat the air. Instead, the radiators or underfloor coils heat all of the nearby surfaces including the floors, walls, and furniture. This helps to provide much more even and thorough heating. All of the heat then continually radiates out into the air to make everything feel much warmer. By heating all of the surfaces, the temperature will also stay warmer and not immediately start dropping when the heating system shuts off as it does with forced-air heating.

Although boilers aren’t always quite as efficient as furnaces, radiant heating still tends to cost less to operate. One reason is that forced-air heating typically wastes lots of energy as a result of heat loss in the ductwork. Radiant heating doesn’t have the same issue since water retains heat much better than air.

Another reason is that a boiler allows you to have a zoned heating system. This means you can shut off or turn down the heat in unoccupied areas, which lessens the time the boiler has to run and saves on energy. Having a zoned system also improves comfort since you can keep each room at the exact temperature you desire. With forced-air heating, you have to heat the entire home at once. You can also only set one temperature instead of being able to customize the temperature settings for different areas.


Forced-air heating systems tend to be fairly noisy, as you’ll always hear the furnace and blower running and the air flowing through the ducts. Radiant heating systems run nearly silently, as the only sound you’ll hear is when the boiler runs and you’re standing near it. This means you’ll never again be woken up by the sound of your heating system turning on at night.


Another major drawback to forced-air heating is that it always contributes to air quality issues. Whenever a forced-air heating system runs, it circulates lots of dust and airborne pollutants and blows them out into every room. This is the reason why homes with furnaces tend to be quite dusty in the winter when the heating runs almost constantly. Since radiant heating systems don’t have ductwork and don’t circulate air, you won’t have this same issue.


Conventional boilers only work with radiant heating, which means you will still also need a separate water heater for your plumbing system. However, if you instead choose to install either a system boiler or a combination boiler, it will provide hot water for both heating and plumbing. This can help to save you money since you’ll have one fewer appliance that you need to worry about repairing, maintaining, and replacing.

Combination or combi-boilers can be an especially great choice as they are extremely energy efficient. Instead of storing hot water in a large tank, combi-boilers work like tankless water heaters and only run on demand. This eliminates issues with energy waste since the boiler doesn’t have to constantly keep the water hot and will only turn on when you need hot water for heating or plumbing.

If you’re considering a boiler for your home, Tyler’s Heating & Cooling is ready to answer any questions you may have. Our plumbers specialize in boiler and radiant heating installation and can also handle your boiler repair and maintenance needs. We service all makes and models of boilers, and our certified HVAC technicians also install and service furnaces and air conditioners. For more information on our residential or commercial HVAC and plumbing services or to schedule an appointment in the Mishawaka area, contact us today.

An air conditioner is sitting in the grass in front of a brick building.
June 13, 2024
When people consider indoor air quality solutions, they frequently focus on filtration and efficiency. However, air balancing can be an important part of the equation. Balancing is the process of evenly distributing airflow in an HVAC system throughout an entire building. Here is a look at how air balancing influences indoor air quality.
A man is sitting on a couch with two children on his shoulders.
June 13, 2024
One of the biggest ongoing costs that comes with homeownership is energy costs. Here in Mishawaka, IN, the average household pays around $78.70 for electricity each month. Homes with natural gas service may pay less for electricity but an additional $50 or more for gas monthly. If you’re a homeowner here, you know that energy makes up a significant part of your monthly budget. That makes finding ways to conserve energy important. Doing so can trim your energy costs and increase your budget flexibility. However, it isn’t always easy to figure out the best ways to cut your home’s energy use. That’s where a home energy audit can help, though. Here’s what a home energy audit is and why you need one performed on your home.
An air conditioner is sitting on the side of a brick building next to a flower.
June 13, 2024
With summertime temperatures in Mishawaka, IN hovering in the mid-80s, having a functional air conditioner is a must. In addition to finding and installing the right cooling equipment for your household and home, it’s also important to care for it. Routine maintenance keeps air conditioners working efficiently. It optimizes humidity control, ensures acceptably high indoor air quality (IAQ), and keeps home cooling costs to a minimum. Read on to discover the top five signs that your AC needs professional maintenance right now.
A man is looking at a water heater while holding a clipboard.
June 13, 2024
Water heater leaks can be due to a number of reasons. One thing is for sure, though: it needs your attention right away. Tyler’s Heating & Cooling has dealt with water heater leaks in Mishawaka, IN, homes for several years now. If ignored, it can result in a more severe issue, such as water damage or, worse, structural damage. It’s also not a secret that water and electricity are dangerous together, which is why prompt action is a must.
A digital thermostat is mounted on a wall.
June 13, 2024
If you already have an old thermostat, you may wonder if upgrading to a smart thermostat is worth it. In reality, traditional and smart thermostats offer the same primary function: regulating conditioned air. However, smart thermostats have additional benefits for your home in Mishawaka, IN. They add more ways to interact with your thermostat through a phone app or voice commands. Most people will agree that an upgrade from a traditional thermostat is necessary to help keep their home more comfortable with today’s energy costs. But the question is, how can a smart thermostat help save you money? Here are four ways that it does so:
An air conditioner is sitting in the grass in front of a brick building.
June 13, 2024
No one likes a high energy bill. Unfortunately, many homeowners experience higher heating costs during winter due to running their heating units more often. If you want to save money on heating this winter, there are simple ways to do so. Here at Tyler’s Heating & Cooling, we help homeowners from all walks of life reduce their heating bills. Remember the seven tips if you need help lowering your bill this winter.
A man is working on an air conditioner with a screwdriver.
June 13, 2024
Ideally, a functional furnace runs and keeps doing so until the temperature specified on the thermostat is attained. Afterward, the furnace will power off to maintain the desired temperature. When the temperature drops after a while, the furnace starts running again, and the process is repeated consistently. However, a homeowner might encounter a furnace that randomly turns off, meaning that it doesn’t stick to the pattern set out by its manufacturers. HVAC experts refer to this phenomenon as short-cycling, since the system does not reach the desired heat levels before turning off. The irregular sequences result from a greater problem within the furnace and require attention from an HVAC professional immediately. Here are some of the reasons why your furnace turns off randomly.
A woman is sitting on a couch holding a cup of coffee and looking out the window.
June 13, 2024
A duel-fuel furnace system uses both electricity and fuel to generate heat. It usually consists of a heat pump in addition to a standard gas furnace . A heat pump provides more effective heating throughout the warmer months, while a gas furnace takes over when the temperature drops. Depending on the weather, this system will automatically switch between the two heating options, maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy costs throughout the year.
There is a lamp on the nightstand next to the bed.
June 13, 2024
As the warm days of summer give way to the crisp chill of autumn, it’s crucial to start thinking about preparing your heating system for the impending winter months. A well-maintained heating system ensures a comfortable and cozy indoor environment and helps you avoid unexpected breakdowns during the coldest times. In this article, we’ll walk you through a comprehensive guide on preparing your heating system for winter, ensuring a seamless transition to the colder season.
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